250 Stockton Avenue
250 Stockton Avenue
Uniquely positioned on the west side of Highway 87, a half mile from the SAP center and the City of San Jose’s main transit hub, Diridon Station, will be a new 16 story Class A office building known as 250 Stockton Avenue. This building is projected at over 213 feet tall with 3 sub terranean garage floors. The building is a split tower design with an internal light and air shaft making up over 60,000 square feet of open-air terraces.
With K+W’s overall knowledge of the City of San Jose and how it operates, we created a stormwater treatment system that is considered a C.3 special project. To be able to meet the building’s water treatment needs, the C.3 Special Project designation permitted K+W to design a tiered stormwater retention plan that utilizes mechanical systems to treat the parking lot sheetflow rainwater.
Stockton Avenue is undergoing a multitude of changes requiring high amounts of communication between K+W and the City. K+W ensured that the public improvements at 250 Stockton Avenue seamlessly integrated with the City’s master street plan. In addition, due to the project lying within the associated flight paths of San Jose International Airport, and the newly lowered maximum building height air space regulations, extensive FAA coordination was required.