50 South Almaden
50 South Almaden
The parking lot at 50 S Almaden is the new home of a 20-story commercial office building totaling 781 thousand square feet of space. This building will have a total of 8 parking level, with 4 of them below grade. This new building has goals of promoting green, environmentally friendly spaces within and around the site. In the building there will be terraced community areas focused on making a space adaptable for the quickly changing needs of the people. Elevated bikeways will be installed on the main streets to ensure safe routes to and from the office space and influence ecofriendly ways of transportation.
K+W successfully collaborated with the city to minimize frontage improvements in order to maximize the building footprint on the .99 acre lot while still meeting code requirements. Complex coordination, active communication, and rapid responses were major keys to the success of this project. Additional design elements include intersection upgrades on Post and San Fernando streets. K+W facilitated a collaborative effort with the adjacent building owner for the required relocation of utilities and the use of shared parking spaces. Almaden Boulevard is located directly under the flight path to the San Jose International Airport, because of this, high amounts of communication with the Federal Aviation Administration was necessary to ensure that the building height did not impeded with the airplanes landing and taking off.