599 Castro Mixed-Use
599 Castro Mixed-Use
599 Castro is a mixed-use office, retail and residential development located in downtown Mountain View. Its fourth floor is the The Sobrato Organization’s new headquarters. The project, which is comprised of 12 townhomes and a 110,000-square-foot office building with ground-floor retail and three levels of underground parking, is constructed on 1.3 acres of land owned by the Catholic Diocese of San Jose. Kier + Wright provided civil design and land surveying services to support the planning and construction of the project.
The development surrounds St. Joseph Catholic Church, a historic church located at the intersection of Hope Street and Church Street. Kier + Wright’s mapping scope included a lot line adjustment to create a lease parcel. Kier + Wright's engineering team carefully designed grading and drainage and utility plans to ensure that the church facilities were protected both during and after construction of the project.