Kier + Wright’s Warren Smith Leaves Lasting Legacy as CLSA President
Warren Smith, Senior Land Surveyor at Kier + Wright, officially completed his one-year term as President of the California Land Surveyors Association (CLSA). Established in 1966, CLSA is a California association dedicated to advancing the interests of the land surveying profession by advocating for membership, promoting education, and increasing awareness of the value of surveying.
Warren joined his local CLSA chapter in 1985 with goals of networking with fellow surveyors and learning more about the industry. He believes that one of the greatest benefits of CLSA is the opportunity to establish key relationships with others who are dedicated to the advancement of the surveying profession. Warren’s involvement with CLSA has helped improved his career as a surveyor through many different facets including staying abreast with pending legislation.
A few of Warren’s favorite memories from his year as CLSA President included receiving a proclamation honoring National Surveyors Week from the Assembly and the Senate, camping out on Mt. Diablo with members of the Young Surveyors Network, and presenting distinguished service awards to deserving recipients.
Moving forward, Warren will continue to volunteer his services and time for CLSA. As Immediate Past President, he chairs the Nominating Committee for the election of officers and offers action items to the Board based on his experience of working through the chairs of Treasure, Secretary, and President-Elect.
K+W is fortunate to have an employee such as Warren who is passionate about his profession and willing to volunteer his time and efforts to the greater good. Please join us in congratulating Warren on his successful term as President of CLSA.