Greenville Community EV Charging Depot

The Greenville EV Charging Depot is a first-of-its-kind large-scale fleet truck charging depot with 93 separate spaces accommodating Class 8 SU30, WB67 trailers, and five Class 8 Pull-Through stalls.

Currently, most trucking stations have one or two charging stalls so drivers are often having to find then wait to charge their truck which can lead to a negative impact on the trucking trade. This will only get worse with the California EV Mandate and a push towards all electric vehicles in California. This new depot will provide a convenient place for truck drivers to stop with multiple stalls on a busy trucking fare. With an increased demand for electric charging and stations similar to the Greenville EV Charging Depot, this station will pave the way for a more sustainable future with design of efficient and adaptable charging centers.

Zico Saryeddean, Associate at K+W, explained “This site is awkwardly shaped, on a curve, and burdened by restrictions and physical constraints. It was a challenge fitting rectangular stalls on a triangular site and mixing in bioretention, joint trench relocation, underground treatments, traffic flows for the curved site, and provide space for public trails. The team’s collaborative efforts drove the innovative design solutions that mitigated the sites unique challenges and constraints.” Value engineering was employed on this project, ensuring the complex site and challenges had an economical solution.

Since this green infrastructure is a way of building a sustainable future, “The City was excited for this new venture and was helpful in getting this project approved. This project required close coordination with PG&E to verify they could support the power. It was a team effort for everyone involved.”

This project required a lot of collaboration and we’re grateful we were able to work with Forum Mobility, City of Livermore, PG&E, GAA Architecture, and the rest of the team to complete the design of this project. Designing a project like this that has never been done before requires an innovative and collaborative team and Kier + Wright was an engaged civil engineer.

Project Location

Greenville Community EV Charging Depot
Livermore, CA

Market Sectors
  • Renewable Power
  • Transit-Oriented
  • First-of-its-kind large-scale fleet truck charging depot
  • Awkward site required innovative engineering design to mitigate unique challenges